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You Don't Need a Maths Degree to Work in Tech

Lisa Wood

Some people would argue (or have argued!) that I am not really a woman in tech.

I would disagree and so would my colleagues.

I head up the marketing and communications for Naimuri, so I am not solving problems using data or creating solutions using code, but would wholeheartedly class myself as a ‘woman in tech’.

I have had what some people would call a ‘squiggly career’, but think those with interesting career journeys and not the traditional route to their current roles, can bring so much more to the workplace.

As a kid, I had a love for acting, writing and creating stories and organising events.After doing relatively well in my A-Levels, I headed off to the University of Salford to complete a degree in media and communications and started out life working for ITV.

I soon found out that the media world wasn’t for me (the pay was pretty poor back then) and somehow ended up working in PR. I didn't know much about the industry, but knew my love for storytelling and organising events made me a perfect candidate for this sector.

I have had some amazing experiences and opportunities working in animation, TV and property and feel like I have now found my perfect role here at Naimuri.

My desires and wants from a job have changed over the years and I think it is vitally important when starting out in your career to realise what you enjoy doing now, may not be what you enjoy doing in a few years time.

If someone had said to me when I was 18 (which is a few years back now!) I would be working in technology, I would have laughed.

I get such a buzz from working for a company which delivers amazing work, has such a unique culture, values my ideas, supports my need for flexibility (especially with two young kids) and employs such fabulous people.

The technology sector is not just for those who want to be software engineers and data scientists.

It needs a whole host of people including administrators, accountants and lawyers or it would cease to function.

My advice would be to anyone getting their exam results and unsure what to do next.

Don’t panic.

Embrace the squiggly career journey.

Get as much experience as you can. Be inquisitive.Learn from your mistakes and your peers, keep challenging yourself, listen to your intuition and find a job which lights a little fire in your belly and an employer who supports and nurtures you along the way.

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