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I Never Thought my Law Degree Would Lead to a Career in Technology

Ashley Robbins

When I was leaving school, I was absolutely set on achieving my goal of becoming a Lawyer. I was obsessed with being in court rooms, reading cases and writing tediously long essays.

However, as the title may give away, I ended up in technology.I spent days, if not weeks of my life, worrying about results and what my next steps were, only to change my mind after a year of my degree!

Now I am 21, working at a tech company (Naimuri) in Manchester. I am NOT a coder, which I think is an underrepresented part of tech companies, and this means you may not even be thinking about these roles.I have learnt so much in my first 6 months and met so many people who I really clicked with, who I simply would have never met without the decision (which seemed crazy at the time!) to move out of law.

My main point is this: you may not end up where you think you are going. Don’t panic if things aren’t going how you expect.

There are so many roles across so many sectors, and there will be a place for you!I wholeheartedly encourage you to explore what roles in tech may interest you.

The continuous growth of this industry means there will always be room for more people.

This company, and field, has been the most welcoming and kind people I have ever met, and I could not be more thankful for the friendships I have made along the way.

The money is an added bonus too, as you can earn a good salary in technology :)

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