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How I Became a Naimuri Software Engineer

Alex Van Den Boss

Alex Van Den Bos is a Software Engineer here at Naimuri and has been with the business for two years.

How did you find the recruitment process at Naimuri?
It was really laid back and friendly.

Describe what you do day-to-day?
Most days are spent writing code and collaborating with other team members.

What interested you about a career in technology?
Honestly, I kind of just fell into it without realising. I always enjoyed maths and problem solving so I studied Maths and Data Science at uni, then when I heard about Naimuri and their mission I thought it would be a really good fit for me.

What areas of technology are you most interested in?
The Data Science aspect definitely interests me the most.
I like that we can extract really valuable information from messy datasets that at first appear to be worthless. I also love that we can use technology to make a really positive impact in the world.

What are the top five skills you need to do your role?
Be a good problem solver
Have patience (a lot of it)
Be a good communicator
Have a willingness to always learn
Be proactive.
What’s the best thing about Naimuri?
Definitely the people.

What makes Naimuri unique from other tech companies?
You get so many opportunities to actually make a difference.

What are your career aspirations?
My main focus is to carry on enjoying my job.
My career is still too young to have an end goal and I still have a lot of different areas/roles to experience.
I would like to see myself becoming more involved in the Data Science aspect of technology and working my way up to a more senior role.

What advice would you give to someone looking to get into technology?
There are so many roles in tech, try out a few different ones to find which is the best fit for you.

What would you say to someone thinking about working for Naimuri?
Everyone here enjoys working for Naimuri and I'm sure you will too!

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