Image credit to Naimuri

Giving back and supporting Peak Park Conservation Volunteers

Lisa Wood
Social Impact

A few of the Naimuri team recently took time out of their day to use some of their annual volunteering time to support the PPCV (Peak Park Conservation Volunteers).

The team went to Stanton-in-the-Peak to help pull up lots & lots of Himalayan Balsam!

Himalayan balsam is a non-native invasive plant that grows in damp places, in England that is generally along our riverbanks and canals. It is an annual that can grow up to 3m a year, it shades out our native plants, then dies back over winter leaving the banks vulnerable to erosion. Each plant can produce 500 seeds in exploding seed pods so it spreads very quickly.

Once the plant is identified it is easy to pull as it is shallow rooted. But likes to grow in all the nooks and crannies and ungrazed banks along watercourses.It was a great day and so good to help and give something back!

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