
We put the Sec into your DevOps right from the outset, making it an essential part of the tools and practices.

Let the Naimuri team help you...

From the outset we integrate your DevOps and security teams to deliver embedded security at speed. Core security tasks are automated to boost security controls and processes and reduce the risk of misadministration and attacks. And along the way we create and reinforce a security mindset and culture – sharing, informing and educating your people so it all becomes second nature to them.

  • Establishing cross-functional teams:

    Setting up agile integration of development, security and operations.

  • Building everything as code:

    Security at the heart of all we deliver.

  • Introducing automation:

    To improve accuracy and save time, resources and money.

  • Ensuring early and regular engagement:

    To alleviate any potential issues.

  • Raising awareness of best practices:

    Delivering training at the point of need.

Lisa Wood / Marketing and Communications Lead | 23/04/2024

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