How I got into technology.....

Phininder Balaghan / Engagement Lead | 15/11/2022

Did you always want to work in tech?

No! When I was a child, believe it or not, I always wanted to be a Lawyer.

Then I started to play a MMORPG and hosted a private server, and from there on learned to love the world of technology.

What inspired you to get into the industry?

If you can imagine it, you can create it. It's incredible.

What education did you have?

I have a first class Degree from the University of Hull, and a PhD titled 'An Exploration of Graph Algorithms and Graph Databases'. However, there are many pathways into the industry.

Who have you been inspired by in the industry or elsewhere?

My old supervisor - Professor Ken Hawick - was/is a massive inspiration for me to get my PhD.

Describe your role at Naimuri?

I wear a number of hats here at Naimuri. I am a Solution Architect, Senior Data Scientist and Innovation and Engagement Lead.

Why is it so important to connect industry with academia?

Academia is the up-and-coming state of the art. They bring fantastic expertise on topics that will show us the future. Equally, in industry ,we can then apply this expertise and bring it to our partners, which for us at Naimuri is to help make the UK a safer place to live.

What do you think the future looks like in the industry? What changes are ahead?

The tech industry is moving so fast that it is really hard to predict.
But I can say one thing for certainty, we will become more diverse. If I was going to guess, I would say that we will focus more on automation.

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